Friday, September 27, 2013

Welcome to My New Life As "Mommy"!

Hello Everyone & Welcome to My New Life As “Mommy”!

For my initial post, I figure it would be best to tell you a bit about myself, my pregnancy thus far, and what you can expect from this blog.

For starters, my name is Chelsea Marie Allen. I’m 23 years old, a nurse working as a Nurse Chart Auditor at a local hospital, and currently pregnant with my first child. I have an amazing boyfriend, Jesse, who I have been with for over 5 and a half years now. We are expecting our first daughter, Delaney, on November 12th, 2013. Not gonna lie, I think 11/12/13 is a pretty awesome due date! J

My pregnancy thus far. I’ve had an interesting pregnancy to say the least…
I found out I was pregnant the evening of March 9th. It was a surprise pregnancy (I don’t believe in considering pregnancies accidents), but regardless of that, I was beyond excited! Three days later, after an ER visit for bleeding (I will be writing a smaller more detailed post about this even in a little bit) I was told I miscarried. After a long miserable & depressing week I found out I was actually still pregnant. I continued to spot/bleed for another 5 weeks or so; those few weeks of spotting/bleeding were terrifying, nerve-wracking and torturous to say the least. I was so terrified I would still end up losing my baby! Aside from that issue, my first trimester was a breeze compared to most. I was completely exhausted 24/7. At the time I was working full time at the hospital, and going to school full time as well. I HAD TO nap every day between work and school. I lucked out with morning sickness though. I had it from about Week 8 to Week 10 or 11, very mildly, and only in the afternoons. I never (to this day) threw up, and eating always seemed to make my nausea better.
My second trimester was the best (up until the last 2 weeks)! I had normal amounts of energy, gained very few pounds, only had heartburn 2 or 3 times, and was happy all the time! I started showing around 20 weeks, but really didn’t “pop out” until my third trimester. At 19 weeks we found out we were having a girl (the day of Jesse’s best friend’s wedding). We also found out that day that they were expecting their second child. Yeay! Our cupcake (as I call her) would have a cousin to grow up with! The last two weeks of my second trimester my immune system (or lack there of) got the best of me. I will save the story for another post, as I know I am already rambling on. Long story short, I ended up getting a MRSA skin infection on my belly. I also ended up in Labor & Delivery one night with some spotting and contractions (which I couldn’t feel, but were picked up on the monitor), but thankfully that turned out to be from stress and dehydration.
My third trimester didn’t start off great as I was still dealing with the MRSA infection, which wasn’t confirmed MRSA until about 29 weeks. Once confirmed, I had to be off work for at least two weeks, for 4 weeks of IV antibiotics. Two weeks after I started by IV antibiotics I developed shingles in my right armpit and on my right upper back. There went another two weeks off work, and more doctors appts. I was put on Norco to help with the shingles pain, which caused my bad back to act up and caused even more pain. I went a day without taking the Norco, and Voila! My back pain was gone! Since finishing my antibiotics and getting back to work, I’ve been doing MUCH better than before! The tiredness is still present, along lovely pitting edema, stress and being overwhelmed this last week or so because….. WE’RE MOVING! J We were approved for a cute 2 bedroom condo in Bermuda Dunes, and will be moving October 4th! This sums up my third trimester to this point (33 weeks and 3 days). I will try to post pregnancy updates at least each Tuesday, which is the day of the week I move up a week in my pregnancy. ONLY 6 MORE WEEKS!!!!! AHHHH!!!!!

What can you expect from this blog? Well as you can see, I ramble on. I enjoy writing, although at times I may not be that entertaining. What I accomplish with this blog is to document my excitement, struggles, and life as a first time mom; an online journal if you will. I will pour my heart out, be brutally honest, and most likely sound crazy at times. It will be very personal, but I love the idea of sharing my experience with others. Not to mention, my soon to be niece Daisy is teaching abroad in Spain until next summer, and I want to be able to keep her up to date with baby Delaney!

I hope you enjoy this blog as much as I know I will. J

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